.. -*- Mode: rst -*- =========================== TIP Synchronize with Unison =========================== :Authors: Giulio Bottazzi :Contact: :Date: 29 November 2008 .. Contents:: .. 1 Introduction 2 Installation and basic usage 3 Synchronizing home directories 4 Acknowledgment Introduction ============ Unison is a file-synchronization utility. The homepage_ of the program says that "It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.". Unison can be used both locally and remotely. For remote synchronization, one can choose between two methods: the more advanced and secure remote shell method, based on SSH, and the basic, insecure and cumbersome socket method. The major difference with respect to backup utilities, is that unison try to handle the updating in a bi-directional way, deciding which version of the file should be modified. This document was primarily conceived for a Gentoo-based system. It can however be adapted with minimal modifications to other distributions. Probably the only requirement is to change the gentoo package management utility, `emerge`, with the analogous utility found on your system. .. _homepage: http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/Mail-User-HOWTO/ Installation and basic usage ============================ unison is part of gentoo portage. To install it simply do:: emerge unison The program does not posses system configuration files. The user configuration files are by default stored in the subdirectory `.unison` of the users' home directory. Unison makes use of three kind of files. The most relevant files are the profile files, with extension prf, which are by default stored in .unison. Each profile file specifies the variables and the preferences relative to one particual use of unison, like the directories which should be syncronized and the mechanism used to perform this synchronization. Alternatively, these preferences can be specified on the command line. The second type of files used by unison is the log file. Indeed, unison does in general produce a detailed account of its activity. This account is saved in the log file, which is by default named unison.log and placed in the user's home directory. Finally, in order to determine the files which have been modified and need an update, unison use an automatically named archive file, which is stored by default in `.unison`. For simple usage examples, the reader is referred to unison tutorial, at the beginning of the user manual distributed with the program. In the next section I will shortly describe one real world example: how to use unison to synchronize home directories on different machines. Synchronizing home directories ============================== Let's suppose you use a laptop, named laptop.yourdomain, and a desktop, named desktop.yourdomain and you want to keep the home directories on the two machines synchronized. Assume that your username is john and that you have ssh properly configured on both machines. Then, you can simply use, from the laptop:: unison /home/john ssh://desktop.yourdomain/ and from the desktop:: unison /home/john ssh://laptop.yourdomain/ In this way, every file in every subdirectories of the two directories get synchronized. While this brute force approach can be sometimes useful, in general it is not what you want to do. Indeed, several files which reside in home directories typically contain information which are relevant for one single machines. Consequently, these files should remain different on different machines. The solution to this problem is to write a customized profile file which contain all the necessary settings. Writing such a profile file is easy. Using an editor, create the file `~/.unison/home.prf` (the extension seems relevant). Then, using the root directive, specify the location of the replicas (local and remote) :File: ~/.unison/home.prf :: root = /home/john root = ssh://laptop.yourdomain/ Second, add the ignore statements that will tell unison which directories should not be kept synchronized :File: ~/.unison/home.prf :: ignore = Path .ssh ignore = Path .keychain ignore = Path .gnupg ignore = Path .Xauthority ignore = Path .ICEauthority ignore = Path .xsession-errors ignore = Path .fonts.cache-1 ignore = Path .xscreensaver ignore = Path .unison Notice the Path keyword, which means that all the file and subdirectories of the specified directory should be ignored. The list above contains file which are machine specific or specific of a given X session. Notice that I've also add the ~/.unison directory. The reason why I did it will be clear in a moment. For now, let's put in this directory also the archive and the log files, so that they don't get synchronized :File: ~/.unison/home.prf :: #where to put backup backupdir = .unison/home backup = Name * maxbackups = 2 #where to log activities logfile = .unison/log-home.txt With the `Name *`, I instruct unison to backup every file which is changed during the synchronization. This seems a good idea. Finally, you can add some more preferences. unison tends to be quite verbose and asks a lot of questions. I prefer a more silent behavior. :File: ~/.unison/home.prf :: #don't ask silly questions auto = true confirmmerge = false #use textual interface ui = text using the previous file, you should simply use:: unison home.prf Notice that the first time you issue this command, unison has to build the archive files that it will use later to check for possible modifications. Depending on the size of your home directory, this can take several minutes. The file above work if you issue the unison command on the desktop. If you want to start the process from the laptop (the machines on which the process is run does not have any effect on the actual direction of the updates), use a similar file where the root options read :File: ~/.unison/home.prf :: root = /home/john root = ssh://desktop.yourdomain/ This difference should be maintained, and this is why the unison directory should not be, in general, synchronized. Acknowledgment ============== This document was originally posted in the Gentoo Wiki site. Following the crash of the said site, and since I was the original author, I decided to move it on my personal web page. Even if I removed several later additions made by people on the Gentoo wiki version, it is quite possible that the present text contains many improvements by different people. I'm not able to give proper credit to single contributors, nevertheless I want to express my gratitude for their corrections and suggestions.